Ph.D., History of Consciousness, University of California, Santa Cruz, 2010.
Dissertation: “Against and Beyond: Radical Organizers Building Another Politics in the U.S. and Canada”
Dissertation Chair: Barbara Epstein
Committee: Angela Davis, Paul Ortiz
B.A., The Evergreen State College (TESC), Olympia, Washington, 1999. Emphasis in Political Economy and Social Change.
Thesis: “Critical Hope: Youth and Social Change on the Edge of the 21st Century.”
Teaching & Other Work Experience
Adjunct Research Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, 2013-present. Responsibilities include conducting research, advising graduate students, serving on MA and PhD committees, and presenting workshops for students.
Committee Member, Amanda Joy, PhD Thesis: “Unruly Practices: Prefigurative Aspirations and the Radical Imagination in the Occupy Movement in Canada,” Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, 2024.
Editor, Michael Reagan, Intersectional Class Struggle. Chico: AK Press, 2021.
Instructor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, 2018, 2020. Taught a semester-long “Engaged Social Research” course for MA and PhD students. Responsibilities included designing a course syllabus, facilitating group discussions, advising students, and grading assignments.
Editor, Hilary Moore and James Tracy, No Fascist USA! The John Brown Anti-Klan Committee and Lessons for Today’s Movements. San Francisco: City Lights Books, 2020.
External Examiner, Jen Gobby, PhD Thesis: “More Powerful Together: Collaborative Theorizing with Social Movements about Decolonizing and Decarbonizing Canada,” McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, 2019.
Instructor, People’s Organization of Community Acupuncture Technical Institute, Portland, Oregon, 2014-2019. Teaching an annual two-day intensive “Introduction to Social Justice” course for health care practitioners. Responsibilities include designing a collective reading plan, presenting lectures, and facilitating group activities and discussions.
Editor, Harsha Walia, Undoing Border Imperialism. Oakland: AK Press, 2013.
Editor, Chris Crass, Towards Collective Liberation: Anti-Racist Organizing, Feminist Praxis, and Movement Building Strategy. Oakland: PM Press, 2013.
Editor, Amy Sonnie and James Tracy, Hillbilly Nationalists, Urban Race Rebels, and Black Power: Community Organizing in Radical Times. Brooklyn: Melville House, 2011.
Editor, Andrew Cornell, Oppose and Propose!: Lessons from Movement for a New Society. Oakland: AK Press, 2010.
Second Reader, Hilary Moore, MA Thesis: “An Ethic of Care: A Relationship-Based Approach to Climate Justice Organizing in the Bay Area,” Prescott College, Prescott, Arizona, 2010.
Teaching Assistant, 2003-2006, University of California, Santa Cruz. Courses included The Civil Rights Movement, Globalization and Its Discontents, Introduction to Community Activism, Social Movements in the United States, Sociology of Social Movements, and Youth Cultures and Identity Politics. Responsibilities included presentation of lectures on North American social movements, planning and preparation of course syllabi and reading lists, conducting two weekly discussion sections (approximately 25 students per section), student advising, and grading examinations and other assignments.
Research Assistant, 2003, University of California, Santa Cruz, Professor Pamela Perry, Community Studies Department. Contacted and prepared subjects for interviews as part of a long-term ethnographic study on youth and racial formation.
Substitute Teacher, Anchorage School District, Anchorage, AK 2000. Substituted in a range of classes for grades 7-12, specializing in alternative schools and nontraditional programs.
Peer Teacher, Steller Alternative School, Anchorage, AK 1995. Created and taught a semester-long “Anarchist Theory” course for fifteen students, ages 13-18.
Political Experience
Member, Punch Up Collective, Ottawa, ON 2014-present. Working as part of a locally-rooted activist collective to facilitate movement-building, support other organizations and campaigns, promote study and reflection, and develop radical infrastructure. Responsible for developing and promoting community education events, fundraising, planning campaigns and protests, and coalition-building.
Advisory Board member, Upping the Anti, 2007-present. Assisting with editing an activist journal with circulation among the radical left in Canada and the U.S. Responsible for providing feedback on submitted articles, soliciting and developing selected content, copy-editing, participating in regular collective evaluation, and promoting the project.
Board member, Institute for Anarchist Studies, 2010-2018. Worked as part of a collective-run institution to encourage, support, and develop anti-authoritarian intellectual work. Responsible for fundraising, participating in grant-giving decisions, organizing events, editing content for a book series, and engaging in collective planning and evaluation.
Core member, Sudbury Against War and Occupation, Sudbury, ON 2007-2012. Organized Sudbury residents against wars abroad, domestic consequences of war, and the continuing colonial occupation of First Nations territories in North America. Responsible for developing and promoting community education events, designing posters and other written materials, planning campaigns and protests, and coalition-building.
Rank-and-file organizer, United Auto Workers Local 2865, Santa Cruz, CA 2002-2006. Organized teaching assistants to build a democratic union culture and to act in solidarity with other labor struggles. Responsible for developing educational materials, facilitating departmental meetings, working in coalitions with students and other union members, and planning protests and strikes.
Administrative Collective member, Colours of Resistance, 2001-2009. Facilitated a transnational network seeking to inject an explicitly multi-racial, anti-racist, anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist perspective into the global justice movement. Responsible for editing and developing website content and critical articles.
Core member, Direct Action Network (Against Corporate Globalization), Seattle, WA 1999. Coordinated large-scale demonstrations and direct action to confront the World Trade Organization at its Seattle Ministerial in December 1999. Responsible for creating, designing, editing, and co-writing a nationally-distributed newspaper insert.
Coordinator, Evergreen Political Information Center, TESC, Olympia, WA 1997-1999. Organized campus educational events with guest speakers, off-campus protests, campus and community outreach, and an ongoing radical student group. Co-organized for political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal to be a 1999 TESC Commencement Speaker.
Additional Political Experience
Core organizer, Sudbury Coalition Against Poverty, Sudbury, ON 2012
Copy editor, Left Turn, 2010-2012
Participant, Occupy Sudbury, Sudbury, ON 2011
Member, Long Road Collective, Santa Cruz, CA 2005-2006
Core organizer, Graduate Student Solidarity Network, UC Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA 2004-2005
Student organizer, Wrench, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 2001-2002
Editor, Evergreen “Disorientation Manual,” TESC, Olympia, WA 1997 & 1998
Coordinator, Evergreen Animal Rights Network, TESC, Olympia, WA 1997
Core member, Planning Committee for regional activist conference, Olympia, WA 1996-1997
Contributing writer, Alaskans Concerned About Latin America, Anchorage, AK 1992-1993
Member, Student Environmental Action Coalition, Anchorage, AK 1992-1993
Co-founder, Steller Action Group, Steller Alternative School, Anchorage, AK 1991-1993.
Another Politics: Talking Across Today’s Transformative Movements. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2014.
Journal Articles & Book Chapters
“Cultivating a Long View.” Upping the Anti 23 (Fall 2022): 113-131.
“The Road to Seattle: Global Justice in the 1990s.” Remaking Radicalism: A Grassroots Documentary Reader of the United States, 1973-2001. Eds. Dan Berger and Emily K. Hobson. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 2020. 301-303.
“Sticking Around in Struggle: Lessons from and for the Long Haul.” What Moves Us: The Lives & Times of the Radical Imagination. Eds. Alex Khasnabish and Max Haiven. Black Point, NS: Fernwood Publishing, 2017. 33-43.
“From Collective Refusal to Collective Liberation.” Introduction to Towards Collective Liberation: Anti-Racist Organizing, Feminist Praxis, and Movement Building Strategy, by Chris Crass. Oakland: PM Press, 2013. 1-12.
“A Tribute to My Father.” Men Speak Out: Views on Gender, Sex, and Power. Ed. Shira Tarrant. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge, 2013. 197-202. (First published 2008 by Routledge.)
“Building a Mass Movement? Learning from the Occupy Sudbury Experience.” We Are Many: Reflections on Movement Strategy From Occupation to Liberation. Eds. Kate Khatib, Margaret Killjoy, and Mike McGuire. Oakland: AK Press, 2012. 284-285.
“Leveraging the Academy: Suggestions for Radical Grad Students and Radicals Considering Grad School.” (coauthored with Alexis Shotwell) Collaborative Futures: Critical Reflections on Publicly Active Graduate Education. Eds. Amanda Gilvin, Georgia M. Roberts, and Craig Martin. Syracuse: Graduate School Press of Syracuse University, 2012. 333-345.
“Building ‘Another Politics’: The Contemporary Anti-Authoritarian Current in the U.S. and Canada.” Anarchist Studies 20.1 (Spring 2012): 32-60.
“Five Days in Seattle: A View from the Ground.” The Battle of the Story of the “Battle of Seattle.” Eds. David Solnit and Rebecca Solnit. Oakland: AK Press, 2009. 73-107.
“A Politics and a Sensibility: the Anarchist Current on the U.S. Left.” (coauthored with Barbara Epstein) Toward a New Socialism. Eds. Anatole Anton and Richard Schmitt. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2007. 445-462.
“Letter to older activists.” Letters from Young Activists: Today’s Rebels Speak Out. Eds. Dan Berger, Chesa Boudin, and Kenyon Farrow. New York: Nation Books, 2005. 49-53.
“Movement-Relevant Theory: Rethinking Social Movement Scholarship and Activism.” (coauthored with Douglas Bevington) Social Movement Studies 4.3 (December 2005): 185-208.
“Interview with Barbara Epstein.” (co-conducted with Douglas Bevington) Confronting Capitalism: Dispatches from a Global Movement. Eds. Eddie Yuen, George Katsiaficas, and Daniel Burton-Rose. New York: Soft Skull Press, 2004. 223-231.
“The Roots of My Resistance.” Global Uprising: Confronting the Tyrannies of the 21st Century. Eds. Neva Welton and Linda Wolf. Gabriola Island, B.C.: New Society, 2001. 12-19.
Other Publications
“Nothing But Dead Ends: How the Complaints Process Protects the Ottawa Police.” (coauthored with Dan Sawyer, Alexis Shotwell, and Amanda Wilson) The Leveller September 2021.
“Remembering for the Future: Learning from the 1999 Seattle Shutdown.” Upping the Anti November 25, 2019.
“Not Our Friends: The Ottawa Police’s Long History of Violence and Racism.” (coauthored with Dan Sawyer, Alexis Shotwell, and Amanda Wilson) The Leveller February/March 2019: 4-5.
“Getting It Together.” (coauthored with Dan Sawyer, Alexis Shotwell, and Amanda Wilson) Briarpatch March/April 2018: 8-11.
“Creating Intergenerational Movements.” Certain Days: The 2017 Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar: 9.
“Grassroots Theory: An Interview with Sharmeen Khan on 10 Years of Upping the Anti.” Upping the Anti 18 (2016): 48-61.
“For the Long Haul.” Briarpatch July/August 2016: 16-20.
“Organizing to Win the World.” Briarpatch March/April 2015: 16-20.
“Making Aspirations into Realities: Review of Anarchism and Its Aspirations.” (coauthored with Jamie McCallum) Znet March 26, 2011.
“Movements Where People Can Grow: An Interview with Helen Hudson.” Upping the Anti 8 (2009): 81-94.
“Navigating the Crisis: A Study Groups Roundtable.” (coedited with Dan Berger) Upping the Anti 8 (2009): 159-177.
“Imagining Ourselves Outside of What We Know.” Left Turn January/February 2009: 44-45.
“The Opposite of Truth is Forgetting: An Interview with Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz.” Upping the Anti 6 (2008): 47-58.
“A Space for Reflection: Review of Upping the Anti.” Left Turn July/August 2007: 84-85.
“Leveraging the Academy: Suggestions for Radical Grad Students and Radicals Considering Grad School.” (coauthored with Alexis Shotwell) MRzine January 12, 2007.
“More is Less: Making Sense of the UCSC Crisis.” (coauthored with Sean Burns, Maia Ramnath, James Rowe, Rebecca Schein, and Alexis Shotwell) Self-Published Pamphlet. Santa Cruz: Long Road Collective, 2005.
“Review of The Battle of Seattle: The New Challenge to Capitalist Globalization.” Bad Subjects September 22, 2002.
“Substituting as a Subversive Activity: Reflections from a Radical Sub.” Clamor September/October 2001: 54-56.
“A Tribute to My Father.” On the Road to Healing: A Booklet for Men Against Sexism 2. Ed. Basil Elias. Seattle: Planting Seeds, 2001. 9-11.
“Finding Hope After Seattle: Rethinking Radical Activism and Building a Movement.” Onward Spring 2001: 14+.
“Organizing Against the FTAA: A Report from Quebec City.” Znet February 2001.
“Ten Things to Remember: Anti-Racist Strategies for White Student Radicals.” Colours of Resistance November 2000.
“Alaska: State of Siege.” (coauthored with Soren Wuerth) Broadside & Insert for the Earth First! Journal. Anchorage: Alaska Action Center, 2000.
“Tear Gas and Triumph: What Happened in Seattle and What’s Next.” Wild Voices Spring 2000: 2-4
“5 Days in Seattle: A View from the Streets.” Punk Planet Magazine March/April 2000: 92-99.
“SHUT DOWN The World Trade Organization.” (coauthored with Chris Borte, Stephanie Guilloud, and David Solnit) Broadside & Insert for the Earth First! Journal. Seattle: Direct Action Network, 1999.
“How to Bring Mumia Abu-Jamal to Your Campus Graduation: Some Tips for Organizing” & “Mumia Abu-Jamal as Graduation Speaker: The Evergreen Experience.” Self-Published Documents. Oakland: Prison Activist Resource Center, 1999.
“Reflections on My Gender.” On the Road to Healing: A Booklet for Men Against Sexism. Ed. Basil Elias. Austin: Planting Seeds, 1999. 22.
Invited Presentations
“Relevant, Responsible, and Radical: A Workshop on Conducting Social Movement Research.” Invited workshop at University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON 2023; Saint Paul University, Ottawa, ON 2019; Queen’s University, Kingston, ON 2019; Carleton University, Ottawa, ON 2019; University of Victoria, Victoria, BC 2016; Concordia University, Montreal, QC 2016; Carleton University, Ottawa, ON 2016; Queen’s University, Kingston, ON 2015; University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB 2015; Carleton University, Ottawa, ON 2014.
“Understanding the U.S. Election and the Rise of Fascism.” Invited panelist at Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto, ON 2017.
“Another Politics: Talking Across Today’s Transformative Movements.” Invited speaker at Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI 2015; The Tower, Hamilton, ON 2015; University of Alaska Anchorage, Anchorage, AK 2015; encuentro 5, Boston, MA 2015; Brown University, Providence, RI 2015; The New School, New York, NY 2015; Towson University, Towson, MD 2015; Laurentian University, Sudbury, ON 2015; California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, CA 2015; Mount Royal University, Calgary, AB 2015; University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB 2015; University of Regina, Regina, SK 2015; University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, MB 2015; 977 Chung King Road Gallery, Los Angeles, CA 2014; University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 2014; University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 2014; Lane Community College, Eugene, OR 2014; Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 2014; Portland State University, Portland, OR 2014; The Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA 2014; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 2014; Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA 2014; Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC 2014; University of Victoria, Victoria, BC 2014.
“The State of Anarchism Today: Limits, Hopes, Prospects.” Invited panel presentation at the Society for Socialist Studies at the Canadian Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON 2015.
“‘Making power’: Another Politics, Democracy, and Radical Movements.” Invited speaker at Anarchism, Decolonization, and Radical Democracy Symposium, Haverford College, Haverford, PA 2015.
“Against and Beyond: Movements, Another Politics, and the Radical Imagination.” Invited panelist at Peoples’ Social Forum, Ottawa, ON 2014.
“Media for Movement Self-Reflection.” Invited keynote at Media Democracy Conference, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON 2012
“Reflections on Leadership in Student Movements.” Invited workshop at Colloque/Happening des Employées et Employés de Syndicats Étudiants, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montreal, QC 2012.
“Reinventing Radicalism: Anti-Authoritarian Activism in North America.” Invited talks at Brown University, Providence, RI 2012; Towson University, Baltimore, MD 2012; University of Victoria, Victoria, BC 2011; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 2011.
“Occupying the Discourse.” Invited panelist at Take Back Democracy! Conference, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON 2012.
“Living Our Values and Transforming the World: Challenges and Possibilities.” Invited presentation at Emma Goldman Finishing School, Seattle, WA 2011.
“A New Generation, A New Politics: Anti-Authoritarian Activism in the U.S. and Canada.” Invited talk at the Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA 2011.
“Community-Based Social Justice Research.” Invited closing panelist at Study in Action Conference, Concordia University, Montreal, QC 2011.
“Evaluating Success and Failure in Organizing.” Invited panelist at Renewing the Anarchist Tradition Conference, Baltimore, MD 2010.
“Join in the Whirlwind: A Cooperative Panel on Research and Movement Building.” Invited panelist at the United States Social Forum, Detroit, MI 2010.
“Building Democratic Structures into Non-profit and Collective Organizations.” Invited panelist at the United States Social Forum, Detroit, MI 2010.
“Remembering for the Future: The 1999 Seattle Protests that Rocked the WTO.” Invited presentation at Laurentian University, Sudbury, ON 2009.
“Anarchism and the Left: New Dialogues on Power and Social Change.” Invited panelist at Left Forum Conference, City University of New York Graduate Center, New York, NY 2005.
“Activism and Scholarship.” Invited workshop at Activist Scholarship: Making Social Movement Theory Matter Conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 2004.
“Global Backlash: Building a Diverse People’s Globalization.” Invited presentation as part of Globalization from Below series, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA 2003.
Community Presentations
“Getting It Together: Organizing Collectives for the Real World.” (with Dan Sawyer, Alexis Shotwell, and Amanda Wilson) Online workshop, Ottawa, ON 2022; in-person workshop at Jack Purcell Community Centre, Ottawa, ON 2018.
“Strategy and Campaign-Planning.” Invited workshop with Defund OPS, Ottawa, ON 2021; Child Care Now (Ottawa), Ottawa, ON 2021; Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 4600, Ottawa, ON 2015; Alaska Rising Tide, Palmer, AK 2015; the Sudbury Coalition Against Poverty and the Sudbury Working Group of the Media Co-op, Sudbury, ON 2015; the Stop the Cuts campaign, Winnipeg, MB 2015; Criminalization and Punishment Education Project, Ottawa, ON 2014; Ontario University Workers Coordinating Committee Conference, Niagara Falls, ON 2014; and Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 4600, Cantley, QC 2013.
“Introduction to Collectives and Collective Processes.” Invited presentation with Ottawa Independent Companions, Ottawa, ON 2019.
“For the Long Haul: Care, Intention, and Steadiness in Radical Organizing.” Invited speaker at Boneshaker Books, Minneapolis, MN 2015; People’s Books Cooperative, Milwaukee, WI 2015; Rainbow Cooperative Bookstore, Madison, WI 2015; West Toledo Library, Toledo, OH 2015; Cass Corridor Commons, Detroit, MI 2015; University of Guelph, Guelph, ON 2015; the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair, Montreal, QC 2015; the Commons, Brooklyn, NY 2015; Internationalist Books, Carrboro, NC 2015; The Potter’s House, Washington, D.C. 2015; Red Emma’s Bookstore Coffeehouse, Baltimore, MD 2015; A-Space, Philadelphia, PA 2015; Another Story Bookshop, Toronto, ON 2015; AKA Autonomous Social Centre, Kingston, ON 2015; QPIRG Concordia, Montreal, QC 2015; Turning the Tide, Saskatoon, SK 2015; Octopus Books, Ottawa, ON 2015; the Anarres Project, Corvallis, OR 2014; the Purple Thistle Centre, Vancouver, BC 2014; the Radical Imagination Festival, Halifax, NS 2014.
“Taking Ourselves Seriously: Developing Strategy for Social Transformation.” Workshop at Bucktown/Wicker Park Library, Chicago, IL 2015; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 2015; Downtown Community Centre, Kitchener, ON 2015; Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto, ON 2015; CommunityWise Resource Centre, Calgary, AB 2015; Ché Café, San Diego, CA 2014; Jobs with Justice, Portland, OR 2014; Beacon Hill Library, Seattle, WA 2014; Camas Infoshop, Victoria, BC 2014; Space 2640, Baltimore, MD 2012; Last Word Books, Olympia, WA 2011; Red and Black Café, Portland, OR 2011; Wooden Shoe Books, Philadelphia, PA 2011.
“Movements and Radical Political Change.” (with Ashanti Alston) Direct Action for Rights and Equality, Providence, RI 2015.
“Let’s Talk about Leadership: Anti-Authoritarian Approaches to Taking Initiative and Building Capacities.” Workshop at Centre for Gender Advocacy, Montreal, QC 2015; AKA Social Centre, Kingston, ON 2013; Libertalia Autonomous Space, Providence, RI 2012; and the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair, Montreal, QC 2012.
“Another Politics and Visionary Politics: A Discussion.” (with Clare Bayard) Howard Zinn Bookfair, San Francisco, CA 2014.
“Visionary Politics, A Community Conversation.” (with Rachel Herzing and Danny Murillo) University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 2014.
“Publicity Writing: Media Releases, Posters, and More.” Workshop as part of the Writing for Social Change series, Sudbury, ON 2011.
“Taking Ourselves Seriously: Developing Strategy for Social Transformation.” Panel presentation at the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair, Montreal, QC 2010.
“The Public’s Response to the FTAA.” Panel presentation at “What is the FTAA?,” a community teach-in, Olympia, WA 2001.
“Who is Resisting?” Presentation at “Unveiling the FTAA: Challenging Corporate Globalization” community teach-in, Corvallis, OR 2001.
“Protesting the World Trade Organization: What Happened? What’s Next?” Presentation at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Anchorage, AK 2000.
Conference Presentations
“Let’s Talk about Leadership: Anti-Authoritarian Approaches to Taking Initiative and Building Capacities.” Workshop at Peoples’ Social Forum, Ottawa, ON 2014.
“Building Collective Strategies for Campus Struggles.” Workshop at Taking Back the University Conference, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON 2013.
“Let’s Talk about Leadership: Anti-Authoritarian Approaches to Taking Initiative and Building Capacities.” Workshop at Take Back Democracy! Conference, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON 2012.
“Imagining Life Beyond the Tenure Carrot and the Adjunct Stick: A Collective Conversation.” (with Alexis Shotwell) Workshop at The University is Ours! Conference, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON 2012.
“Where Did Occupy Come From? Movement Histories and Presents.” Panel presentation at Left Forum Conference, Pace University, New York, NY 2012.
“Occupy Outside Metropolis: Small-Town and Rural Occupations.” Introduced and moderated panel at Left Forum Conference, Pace University, New York, NY 2012.
“Radical Research for Social Transformation.” Panel presentation at the Society for Socialist Studies at the Canadian Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB 2011.
“Anarchism and Its Aspirations: Discussing Social Anarchism in the Current Moment.” Panel presentation at Left Forum Conference, Pace University, New York, NY 2011.
“Accountability to whom? Ethics and Activism in Movement Research.” North American Anarchist Studies Network Conference, Toronto, ON 2011.
“Ten Years Later: Organizers Reflect on the 1999 Seattle WTO Protests.” Introduced and moderated panel at Left Forum Conference, Pace University, New York, NY 2010.
“Imaginative Practices, Practical Imaginations.” Presentation at the Society for Socialist Studies at the Canadian Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON 2009.
“Building New Social Relations: Prefigurative Politics in Movements.” Left Forum Conference, Pace University, New York, NY 2009.
“‘The disjunction between what is and what you want’: Prefigurative Praxis in Contemporary Anarchist Organizing.” Presentation at the Radical Philosophy Association Conference, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA 2008.
“‘Another Politics’ Rising: Anti-Authoritarian Currents in Contemporary Movements in the US and Canada.” Presentation at the Great Lakes Political Economy Conference, York University, Toronto, ON 2008.
“Usable Pasts: Approaches to Movement Histories for Today’s Struggles.” Introduced and moderated panel at Left Forum Conference, Cooper Union, New York, NY 2008.
“‘In the world but not of it’: New Anti-Authoritarian Approaches to Reform Struggles.” Presentation at the National Conference on Organized Resistance, American University, Washington DC 2008.
“Thinking Strategically: New Anti-Authoritarian Approaches to Reform Struggles.” Presentation at Renewing the Anarchist Tradition Conference, Vermont College, Montpelier, VT 2007.
“The Academy as an Arena for Organizing: An Intergenerational Dialogue.” Panel presentation at Left Forum Conference, Cooper Union, New York, NY 2007.
“An Emerging Direction in Social Movement Scholarship: Movement-Relevant Theory.” (with Douglas Bevington) Paper presented at Pacific Sociological Association Conference, San Francisco, CA 2004; History Matters, Social Movements: Past, Present and Future Conference, New School University, New York, NY 2003; Social Movements and Social Transformation: New Approaches Conference, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 2003.
Guest Lectures
“People Power: Politics from Below.” Studies in Collective Action and Social Movements. Carleton University, Ottawa, ON 2019.
“Another Politics and Movement-Based Research.” Global Protest: Social Movements in the Age of Globalization. Duke University, Durham, NC 2018.
“People Power: Politics from Below.” Politics, Social Movements and Globalization. University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON 2017.
“Another Politics and Movement-Based Research.” Qualitative Research. Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, NS 2017.
“Research from Below.” Social Justice in the City. Carleton University, Ottawa, ON 2017.
“Strategy and Campaign-Planning.” Advanced Studies in Abolitionism. University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON 2016.
“Another Politics.” Resistance, Rebellion, and Revolution. Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, NS 2016.
“Strategy and Tactics.” Social Movements. University of Regina, Regina, SK 2015.
“Challenges and Lessons for Movement-Building.” Interest Groups and New Social Movements. University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, MB 2015.
“The Global Justice Movement.” Introduction to Community Activism. University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA 2014.
“People Power: Politics from Below.” Canadian Politics. Cambrian College, Sudbury, ON 2012.
“Movement-Based Research.” The Sociology of Revolution Today. Laurentian University, Sudbury, ON 2011.
Radio and Other Interviews
“The ‘Battle in Seattle’ 25 Years Later,” Green and Red Podcast, 2024
“Research for Transforming the World” (conducted by Jen Gobby) Briarpatch March/April 2022: 12-15.
“Movement-Led Research: A Conversation with Chris Dixon,” Research for the Frontlines, 2021.
“The Ecology of Social Movements,” Conversations on Anarres, Corvallis, OR 2021.
“Becoming Organizers,” Spadework Podcast, Berlin, Germany 2020.
RadiOPIRG on CFRU, Guelph, ON 2019.
“Organizing Against the Canadian Petro-State,” Against the Grain on KPFA, Berkeley, CA 2019.
“Getting It Together” (with Alexis Shotwell), From Embers on CFRC, Kingston, ON 2018.
“Chris Dixon on Another Politics,” A Few Words on WUSB, Stony Brook, NY 2015.
“Chris Dixon on Strategies for Social Transformation,” A Public Affair on WORT, Madison, WI 2015.
“Beyond a Radical Minority: An Interview with Anarchist Writer Chris Dixon,” Agency, 2015.
“Another politics: Movement-building in the 21st century,” Talking Radical Radio, 2015.
“Chris Dixon on his book Another Politics,”, Ottawa, ON 2015.
Free City Radio on CKUT, Montreal, QC 2015.
subMedia, Montreal, QC 2015.
CKUW News on CKUW, Winnipeg, MB 2015.
Apt613 LIVE on Apartment 613, Ottawa, ON 2015.
OPIRG-Carleton Roots Radio on CKCU, Ottawa, ON 2015.
Click Here on CHUO, Ottawa, ON 2015.
Indymedia on Air on KPFK, Los Angeles, CA 2014.
“Against and Beyond,” Against the Grain on KPFA, Berkeley, CA 2014.
“Anarchist Writer Visits Eugene,” Morning Edition on KLCC, Eugene, OR 2014.
“Another Politics,” News-in-Depth on KBOO, Portland, OR 2014.
Mainlander Radio on CFRO, Vancouver, BC 2014.
“Chris Dixon with Another Politics,” Winds of Change on CFUV, Victoria, BC 2014.
CKUT News on CKUT, Montreal, QC 2014.
“An Interview With Anarchist Organizer, Writer and Educator Chris Dixon,” Anarres Project for Alternative Futures & Truthout, 2014.
“May Day Meanings,” Against the Grain on KPFA, Berkeley, CA 2013.
“On Anti-Authoritarian Leadership,”, Ottawa, ON 2012.
Indymedia on Air on KPFK, Los Angeles, CA 2012.
“Anti-Authoritarian Politics,” Against the Grain on KPFA, Berkeley, CA 2012.
“Occupy’s Anarchist Roots,” The ShakeUp on CJAM, Windsor, ON, and Detroit, MI 2011.
“Talking ‘Occupy’ and the Indian Residential Schools,” The Road Less Traveled on CILU, Thunder Bay, ON 2011.
Sunday Morning Native Program on CKNR, Algoma and Manitoulin, ON 2011.
Winds of Change on CFUV, Victoria, BC 2011.
From the Margins on CKDU, Halifax, NS 2010.
Honors & Awards
UCSC History of Consciousness Department Travel Grant, 2009
UCSC Institute for Humanities Research Travel Grant, 2008
UCSC History of Consciousness Department Travel Grant, 2008
UCSC Oakes/Humanities Dissertation Fellowship, 2007-2008
UCSC Institute for Humanities Research Grant, 2007
UCSC History of Consciousness Department Travel Research Fellowship, 2007
UCSC Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, 2006
UCSC Humanities Alumni Fellowship, 2006
Canadian Studies Graduate Student Fellowship, 2006
UCSC Graduate Division Teaching Assistant Sabbatical, 2005
UCSC Politics Department Research and Travel Grant, 2003
University of California Dean’s Fellowship, 2002-2003
UCSC Fee Fellowship/Grant, 2002-2003
UCSC Tuition Fellowship, 2002-2003
National Merit Scholar, 1995
Wilcher Award from the Alaska Conservation Foundation, 1995
Research Interests
Contemporary social movements in North America; U.S. and Canadian social movement histories; abolitionist, anarchist, autonomist, and Marxist theories; anti-racist feminist praxis; forms and practices of organizing; movement-based research methods.