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Writing with Movements Posts

Kids in Movements

I’m a vocal proponent of creating intergenerational movements. But, I confess, I haven’t always been. This topic didn’t become significant to me until I was in my mid-twenties and spending regular time at a San Francisco anarchist collective house that included a child. Rahula Janowski, the mother of that child…


Another Politics Southwestern Ontario and U.S. Midwest Tour

Drawing on interviews with dozens of experienced organizers, Another Politics: Talking Across Today’s Transformative Movements engages the convergence of anti-authoritarian radicalism and broader-based movements in the U.S. and Canada. From this convergence, a growing set of activists – from anti-poverty organizers in Toronto to prison abolitionists in Oakland, from occupy…

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Another Politics East Coast Book Tour

Drawing on interviews with dozens of experienced organizers, Another Politics: Talking Across Today’s Transformative Movements engages the convergence of anti-authoritarian radicalism and broader-based movements in the U.S. and Canada. From this convergence, a growing set of activists – from anti-poverty organizers in Toronto to prison abolitionists in Oakland, from occupy…

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Another Politics Cross-Canada Book Tour

Drawing on interviews with dozens of experienced organizers, Another Politics: Talking Across Today’s Transformative Movements engages the convergence of anti-authoritarian radicalism and broader-based movements in the U.S. and Canada. From this convergence, a growing set of activists – from anti-poverty organizers in Toronto to prison abolitionists in Oakland, from occupy…

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Another Politics West Coast Book Tour

Drawing on interviews with dozens of experienced organizers, Another Politics: Talking Across Today’s Transformative Movements engages the convergence of anti-authoritarian radicalism and broader-based movements in the U.S. and Canada. From this convergence, a growing set of activists – from anti-poverty organizers in Toronto to prison abolitionists in Oakland, from occupy…