Some good news: Another Politics: Talking Across Today’s Transformative Movements, the book that I have been working on for the past several years, is out from the University of California Press! You can look for Another Politics at your local independent bookstore or order it through the UC Press website.…
Leave a CommentWriting with Movements Posts
In fall 2012, I was asked to speak at a Media Democracy conference in Ottawa. At first, I wasn’t sure what I could contribute. While I’ve had a long-time appreciation for activist media, I’d never actually considered myself a media maker. This is interesting, considering my work with Left Turn…
Leave a CommentEarlier this month in Ottawa, I helped to organize an event called “We Win Every Day” with longtime organizer and writer Chris Crass as part of his speaking tour through Quebec and Ontario. This event opened up some great discussions about victories that local organizations have achieved in recent years…
6 CommentsLately I’ve been thinking a lot about how we, as activists and organizers, can better work to recover, preserve, and share movement history. This concern partly comes out of my longtime interest in learning about stories of struggle left out of dominant history-telling in the U.S. and Canada. I’m fascinated…
5 CommentsLast week, at a solidarity rally with Elsipogtog on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, I was struck once again by how incredibly unique radical activism and organizing is in big cities. After living for five years in Sudbury, a small and largely working-class mining city in northern Ontario, I’m still stunned…
8 CommentsWelcome! Thanks especially to the support of Angus Maguire, this website is now live and looking gorgeous. I’m excited to share it with you! I want to kick things off here by saying a little something about the title of this site. “Writing with movements” is a phrase that I…